How Much Solar Can Save You?

How Much Can Solar Panels Save You in the UK?

Solar panels have become a popular choice for homeowners in the UK looking to reduce their energy bills and their carbon footprint. But how much can you actually save by installing solar panels? This blog will break down the key factors that determine your potential savings and provide some average figures to give you a clearer picture.

Factors Influencing Savings

  1. Size of the Solar PV System
    • The larger the solar photovoltaic (PV) system, the more electricity it can generate. Common residential systems range from 3 kW to 6 kW. Larger systems cost more to install but generate more electricity, leading to higher savings.
  2. Electricity Consumption
    • Your household’s electricity usage is crucial. If you use a lot of electricity during the day, when the solar panels are generating power, you can save more by reducing the amount of electricity you need to buy from your supplier.
  3. Feed-In Tariff and Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)
    • The UK government’s Feed-In Tariff (FIT) scheme has been replaced by the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG). Under the SEG, energy suppliers pay households for the surplus electricity they export back to the grid. The rate can vary, but it typically ranges from 1 to 5 pence per kWh.
  4. Electricity Prices
    • Savings are higher when electricity prices are high. As prices continue to rise, the cost-effectiveness of generating your own electricity increases.
  5. Location and Weather
    • The amount of sunlight your home receives affects how much electricity your solar panels can generate. Southern parts of the UK tend to receive more sunlight than northern regions, leading to higher potential savings.
  6. Installation Costs and Maintenance
    • The initial cost of installing solar panels can vary, but prices have dropped significantly over the years. Maintenance costs are generally low, but it’s important to factor them in when calculating overall savings.

Average Savings

To provide a rough estimate, let’s consider an average 4 kW solar PV system, which is a common size for UK households:

  • Installation Cost: The cost for a 4 kW system is typically between £5,000 and £7,000.
  • Electricity Generation: This system can generate around 3,800 kWh per year in southern England and about 3,400 kWh per year in northern England.
  • Electricity Savings: Assuming an average electricity price of 30 pence per kWh, the annual savings on electricity bills could range from £1,020 to £1,140 if all the generated electricity is used by the household.
  • SEG Payments: If you export 50% of your generated electricity (which is typical), and your SEG rate is 3 pence per kWh, you could earn an additional £51 to £57 per year.

Payback Period

The payback period depends on the initial installation cost and the annual savings. For a 4 kW system costing £6,000 and saving £1,050 annually, the payback period would be around 5.7 years. After this period, the electricity savings and SEG payments would be pure financial benefit.

Long-Term Benefits

Solar panels typically have a lifespan of 25-30 years. After the payback period, you could enjoy 20+ years of reduced energy bills and additional income from SEG payments, leading to substantial long-term savings. Moreover, solar panels can increase the value of your property, providing another financial benefit.

Environmental Impact

In addition to financial savings, installing solar panels significantly reduces your carbon footprint. An average 4 kW system can save approximately 1.5 tonnes of CO2 per year, contributing to a cleaner, greener environment.


The exact savings from solar panels can vary based on numerous factors, but with decreasing installation costs and rising electricity prices, solar power is becoming an increasingly attractive investment for UK homeowners. Not only can you reduce your energy bills and earn money through SEG payments, but you also contribute to environmental sustainability. If you’re considering solar panels, it’s worth getting a detailed assessment from a reputable installer to understand the specific savings you can achieve based on your location and energy usage.